Monday, 02 August 2010 13:15

7 rules for quality followers

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I get it. Twitter's a big deal in social marketing circles. I've come to love it and use it extensively - I get it. It's a great tool for spontaneous communication, for finding interesting people with awesome things to say.

It's not hard to build a following. You can have ten thousand followers in no time - or so the long pages of flashy text that are direct-tweeted into my inbox tell me.

But are those followers worth having? Will they enhance your reputation? And who to follow? All these questions and more, answered in my 7 Rules for gaining quality followers on Twitter:

  1. Stay on message
    pick your niche and stick with it - people interested in your niche will find you
  2. Only follow people who have more followers than they themselves follow
    People retweet those they follow - a low following-to-follower ration indicates they're picky about who they follow (and therefore retweet)
  3. Don't reciprocal follow anyone who follows you
    Most follows are junk. Auto-following jerks who've latched onto a keyword. Don't give them credibility.
  4. Unfollow anyone who spams 40 posts a minute
    There's no way they're reading what they're polluting your inbox with - zero quality = no follow
  5. Don't follow those who don't retweet
    If they're not retweeting, they're not reading. Specifically, they're not reading you!
  6. Only follow those who fit your niche
    You retweet those that you follow - if you want to stay on topic, only follow those are worth retweeting
  7. Challenge, converse and retweet
    Get into a dialogue with those you follow if you want them to follow you back

Follow these rules (and be interesting!) and you'll slowly but surely amass a following of interesting, niche-specific followers!

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