Meet the spammer
This week a new comment appeared on an older blog post. It's unusual to see new comments popping up, not unheard-of, but this one fit all the trademarks of a comment-spammer:
- Poor spelling and grammar: check
- Meaningless drivel that doesn't contribute to the conversation: check
- Multiple backlinks using keywords rather than the URL: check
- Overseas IP address used for posting: check
There was, however, a new twist.
Instead of trying to rank solely for high-traffic keywords, it looks like they're trying to build a niche. In my backyard. Literally.
You see, their chosen keywords were "Web Design Sunshine Coast". When you go to their site every URL, every title, is embeded with "Web Design Sunshine Coast".
Instead of going after a much harder target (such as just "Web Design"), they're looking at niche-marketing. They're trying to appear local and build pagerank on local search terms. This would allow them to gain a foothold when local businesses try to engage a web designer.
As a real Sunshine Coast web designer, I don't like the idea of small business in my community being conned. They'd think they were hiring a local, with an understanding of local business conditions, local markets.
Instead, they're getting below-par sweatshop design work that doesn't meet their needs. How do I know their work is crap?
Their site design is stolen
Check it out:
Their 'portfolio' link is broken
When every other link on the site works, why is the 'portfolio' link broken? Because their work is either non-existent or sub-par.
Nothing makes sense
Their site is nothing but keyword-stuffed spam-drivel. Their text is a mish-mash of stolen phrases cobbled together to form some sort of frankencopy. Or they wrote it themselves. Either way, would you trust your business to their attention to detail?
I know I wouldn't.